
toronto hater

There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Here is what I don't understand: In a city where there is peace, safety, free healthcare, ability to make money, nature surrounding (lakes parks) any kind of food you could ask for, less racist,.....why are the population such insufferable brats, complaining all day about such minor details, that even people in more horrible conditions would never think to complain about? obnoxious people ruin something great.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Richard Florida, if I ever see you, prepare for a PUNCH

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  Anonymous wrote:

Omg, like we like live in a bubble. Did you hear what Becky did? I can’t seem to focus on my own life, unaware of real world problems

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  Anonymous wrote:

lululemon and people complaining about first world problems and making drama and jealousy even tho they are mostly privileged AF and have zero clue

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  koh85 wrote:

how come this idiot never gets any hate? everyone is active Berlin but Toronto deserves the same activity

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  koh85 wrote:

*idiot= $hithole

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  Anonymous wrote:

road is bad even I know they are repairing now

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  Anonymous wrote:

people and weather

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  Anonymous wrote:

feminist and sjw hellhole

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  Anonymous wrote:

Is that all? What about the weather and monotone inhabitants not to mention how annoying they are when they meet an American... "Alanis Morissette is Canadian, so is Michael J Fox... and Nickelback.. and..." the list is always the same

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  koh85 wrote:

don't even get me started about how accurate you are.. If you want to welcome depression to your life, come here and stay for a couple of years (not months). Then tell me what a waste your life was. Everything in this city (or Canada in general) from infrastructure to its people is soul crushing. There something about even positive people coming from abroad turning cold just like Canadians (eh..) within a few months. If you want to keep sane, don't even come here, you have been warned.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Conservative, stuck up and competitive place. People are friendlier in New York

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  Anonymous wrote:

^and with the times

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  Anonymous wrote:

Toronto was once a great city. Thanks for Richard Florida, this city is a global example of the definition of gentriciation. I miss the city I grew up, but it doesnt exist anymore, all the good neighbourhoods wiped out by condominum development, atttracting people from country trying to seem coool in the "big city" . That is why everyone is so beige lately, boring. It wasnt that way before, at all. It was vibrant.

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